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Breaking News For H-1B Visa Applicants

Breaking News For H-1B Visa Applicants

According to a press statement from Breaking News For H-1B Visa Applicants US Citizenship and Immigration Services, initial registration for the H-1B visa cap for the fiscal year 2024 will begin on March 1 and shall last until March 17.

The next step is for interested employers to create an account with US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), fill out all the necessary information, and submit their registration. Connect with Citizenship Selfie to give yourself a better chance for the H-1B visa process.

Each registration submitted for an H-1B visa Applicants will receive a confrontation number from the USCIS, which will be used to track registrations in the service.  The allocated number can only be used to track registrations; it cannot be used to access Case Status online to find out the status of a case.

The H-1B visa is the only option available to US firms for temporarily hiring foreign workers in specialty occupations. Holders of H-1B visas frequently qualify for green cards as well.  Employers submit more than 85,000 applications for H-1B visas each year.

On February 21, at noon Eastern Time, new account creations officially began. Once an account has been created, representatives can add clients to their accounts anytime.

The process for electronically requesting an H-1B visa is outlined here.

Breaking News For H-1B Visa Applicants

How to electronically apply for an H-1B visa

  1. To submit a registration application, create a “myUSCIS” account. The applicant must pay a $10 non-refundable fee.
  2. Those registering must log in using a “registrant” account.

The beneficiaries’ information cannot be entered until March 1 by the representatives and registrants. They must then send in a $10 registration fee for each recipient. Also, it is possible to enter the information for several beneficiaries at once.

According to the statement, the US government will inform account holders of the choices by March 31. Information can be edited, prepared, and stored in draft form through the account until the final payment.

A random selection of registrations will be made if the department receives enough applications by March 17; selection notices will be sent to individuals via their my USCIS online accounts. However, the department will wait until the end of the initial registration period to announce the selection after receiving a small number of registrations.

Applicants must complete and submit their full, thorough H-1B visa petitions to the USCIS within 90 days of gaining approval.

Contact Citizenship selfie today to stand best chance of receiving your H-1B visa smoothly.


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